
All the GEODE news

“Data Storage of Content Platforms: Impact on Internet Resilience in Pakistan” by Nowmay Opalinski. - Chinese Internet Research Conference (CIRC) Auteur Chinese Internet Research Conference 2023, with Nowmay Opalinski Séminaire – L’émergence d’un corridor numérique sino-pakistanais, avec Nowmay Opalinski The conference “Big Tech as an […]
Navigating AI Regulation: Insights from UN Initiatives, with Valère Ndior - Navigating AI Regulation: Insights from UN Initiatives, with Professor Valère Ndior.
The French Cyber Challenge Edition - The French Cyber Challenge Edition
Sophie Hamel Wins the Meheroo Jussawalla Research Award - Sophie Hamel Wins the Meheroo Jussawalla Research Award
The French Cyber Challenge Edition - The French Cyber Challenge Edition
The Human Factor in the Geopolitics of the Internet - RIPE Labs Our team from GEODE explores the complex relationships between the technical and political dimensions of the Internet, with a focus on Central Asia and Kyrgyzstan. In this piece, […]
Pr. Frédérick Douzet awarded €2.5 million ERC grant for her research on Geopolitics of Internet data routes - Scientific Excellence at the University of Paris 8.  Frédérick Douzet won a prestigious European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Fellowship and its €2.5 million grant. Frédérick Douzet, Professor at the French […]
Introducing the Humanitarian Cybersecurity Center! - CyberPeace Institute, GEODE’s partner   We are proud to be a partner of the CyberPeace Institute in creating the Humanitarian Cybersecurity Center! This center aims to provide cybersecurity services to NGOs, […]
The Russia Program, the new university-based analytical center created by the George Washington University in partnership with GEODE - We are very pleased to announce the launch of The Russia Program, a university-based analytical center created by the George Washington University in partnership with GEODE in order to provide […]
The Legal Protection of International Organisations’ Data – Report by Aude Géry and Anne-Thida Norodom - Leiden Asia Center Auteur NORODOM Anne-Thida GÉRY Aude Aude Géry and Anne-Thida Norodom, GEODE researchers, wrote a report that was published via Leiden University’s LeidenAsiaCentre as part of the Chinese Knowledge […]
GEODE is hiring a post-doctoral fellow! - REPORT – The discreet action of Russian channels in Western conspiracy circles PPF22- Non-proliferation of malicious software and practices intended to cause harms Prepping for Long-Term Competition? U.S. Leadership in […]
REPORT – The discreet action of Russian channels in Western conspiracy circles - GEODE Report PPF22- Non-proliferation of malicious software and practices intended to cause harms Prepping for Long-Term Competition? U.S. Leadership in Cyberspace from Trump to Biden Sophie Hamel The war in […]
PPF22- Non-proliferation of malicious software and practices intended to cause harms - Paris Peace Forum Author GÉRY Aude On November 11, Aude Géry, a GEODE researcher specializing in international legal issues in cybersecurity, participated in a roundtable discussion at the 5th edition […]
Prepping for Long-Term Competition? U.S. Leadership in Cyberspace from Trump to Biden - U.S. Leadership in a World of Uncertainties Auteur DOUZET Frédérick TAILLAT Stéphane What has become of American leadership in cyberspace under the administration of Joe Biden? Frédérick Douzet (Director of […]
The war in Ukraine, open source investigation and the potential for “digital fieldwork” in geopolitics - Political Geography Auteur LIMONIER Kevin Kevin Limonier, a professor at the French Institute of Geopolitics and researcher at GEODE, recently published a new article on open source investigation and the […]
UGI 2022 – Communication from Margot François - UGI 2022 Communication FRANÇOIS Margot The Centennial Congress of the International Geographical Union (IGU) took place from July 18 to 22, 2022 in Paris. During this event Margot François gave […]
UGI 2022 – Communication from Alix Desforges - UGI 2022 Auteur DESFORGES Alix The Centennial Congress of the International Geographical Union (IGU) took place from July 18 to 22, 2022 in Paris. During this event Alix Desforges gave […]
UGI 2022 – Communication from Ilan Scialom - UGI 2022 Communication SCIALOM Ilan The Centennial Congress of the International Geographical Union (IGU) took place from July 18 to 22, 2022 in Paris. During this event Ilan Scialom gave […]
UGI 2022 – Communication from Louis Pétiniaud - UGI 2022 Communication PETINIAUD Louis The Centennial Congress of the International Geographical Union (IGU) took place from July 18 to 22, 2022 in Paris. During this event Louis Pétiniaud gave […]
UGI 2022 – Communication from Hugo Estecahandy - UGI Communication ESTECAHANDY Hugo The Centennial Congress of the International Geographical Union (IGU) took place from July 18 to 22, 2022 in Paris. During this event Hugo Estecahandy gave a […]
UGI 2022 – Communications from Charlotte Escorne - UGI 2022 Communication ESCORNE Charlotte The Centennial Congress of the International Geographical Union (IGU) took place from July 18 to 22, 2022 in Paris. During this event Charlotte Escorne gave […]
“Russian forces usurp Ukrainian internet infrastructure in Donbas” Louis Pétiniaud Media intervention - Financial Times Intervention PETINIAUD Louis Russian Forces usurp Ukrainian Internet Infrastructure in Donbas Anna Gross, London, MAY 5 2022 Indeed “Russian forces have taken over internet infrastructure in Ukraine and rerouted traffic […]
“How Russia took over the Internet in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine” Louis Pétiniaud & Kevin Limonier - Data Center Dynamics Interviewed LIMONIER Kevin PETINIAUD Louis How Russia took over the Internet in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine What happened in 2014, and what happens when RuNet comes to […]
Frédérick Douzet in “Hacking Gender Barriers: Europe’s Top Cyber Women” - Women4Cyber Foundation Participation DOUZET Frédérick Frédérick Douzet, Director of GEODE, tells her professional experience in the cyber domain this Women4Cyber book. The book “Hacking gender barriers: Europe’s top cyber women” […]
GEODE at La Fabrique Défense 2022 - La Fabrique Défense LIMONIER Kevin DOUZET Frédérick PETINIAUD Louis GÉRY Aude BÔMONT Clotilde The GEODE team was present at the second edition of La Fabrique Défense organised by the Ministry […]
Podcast – Internet in Soviet land - France Culture Auteur LIMONIER Kevin Kevin Limonier, deputy director of GEODE, recounts the anarchic birth of the Russian internet in the episode “Internet in the land of the Soviets” of […]
” 3 questions to ” Hugo Estecahandy on the suggested ban on cryptocurrencies in Russia - Observatoire Franco-russe Auteur ESTECAHANDY Hugo As part of the Franco-Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Observatory, Hugo Estecahandy, PhD GEODE answered the following “three questions” related to crypto-currency mining in […]
Contributions – Franco-Russian Observatory 2021 - Franco-Russian CCI Auteur GÉRARD Colin BERTRAN Marie Gabrielle NOCETTI Julien ESTECAHANDY Hugo Several GEODE researchers contributed to the latest edition of the annual report of the Franco-Russian Observatory 2021 (Franco-Russian […]
So much for a ‘world without borders’? Countries are marking their territory in cyberspace - Atlantic Council Auteur DESFORGES Alix GÉRY Aude Alix Desforges and Aude Gery published an article on the website of the American think tank Atlantic Council, entitled “So much for a […]
Special issue on “Cyberstudies” - Études Internationales (Laval University) Auteur DOUZET Frédérick GÉRY Aude NOCETTI Julien Several GEODE researchers contributed to the journal Études internationales (scientific journal of the École supérieure d’études internationales de l’Université […]
Cyber Threats and Vulnerabilities : How to counter the proliferation of Malicious Cyber Tools - EU Non Prolifération and Disarmament Conference Auteur GÉRY Aude On december 6-7, 2021, took place The EU non proliferation and Disarmament Conference Aude Gery spoke of her work on cyber […]
From the geopolitical fragmentation to the digital fragmentation of Ukraine, 2013-2020 - Soutenance de thèse Auteur PETINIAUD Louis Congratulations to Louis Pétiniaud, officially a doctor in geopolitics since December 2, 2021. On this date, this GEODE and IFG researcher had the opportunity […]
National doctrines on cyber operations - CRDH Auteur GÉRY Aude Annual conference of the Paris Human Rights Center (CRDH) on “The Reception of International Humanitarian Law in Domestic Law”. Aude Gery, GEODE researcher, spoke on “National […]
Cloud defence: an operational challenge, a strategic imperative and a sovereignty issue - Études de l’IFRI – Focus stratégique Auteur BÔMONT Clotilde photo : Credits : SergeyBitos/ The French Ministry of Defence has decided to make cloud computing one of the pillars of […]
“Where do digital traces lead us? Practices and contributions of OSINT to social sciences” - GEODE and IRSEM Seminar Auteur LIMONIER Kevin This seminar on the theme of OSINT was held on Monday 29 November at the Condorcet Campus in Aubervilliers. It gathered 176 people […]
Geode’s participation in ECW & support to Les Cadettes de la Cyber - European Cyber Week Auteur DESFORGES Alix SALAMATIAN Kavé NOCETTI Julien Support of GEODE and IFG to Les Cadettes de la Cyber initiative. Alix Desforges signed the launch of the Cadettes […]
Building a Cyber Stability Index & Securing the ICT Supply Chain - Paris Peace Forum 2021 Auteur DESFORGES Alix GÉRY Aude NOCETTI Julien GEODE researchers participated in the Paris Peace Forum 2021 by taking part in two working groups: Working Group 5 […]
“The Shrinking of Cyberspace: a Blind Spot of Cyber Policy” - The Hague Program on Cyber Security Auteur DOUZET Frédérick The Hague Program on international Cyber Security organised their 4th annual conference, this time on cyber norms. From 9-11 November several […]
“Russian Soft Power in Europe” – Round Table - Centre d’excellence Jean Monnet Auteur GÉRARD Colin   The first session of the 2021/2022 Geopolitics Festival from 4 to 5 November 2021 organised by the Jean Monnet Franco-German Centre of […]
Contribute to IGU 2022 on geography of the datasphere - The Centennial Congress Mapping Connectivity and the Digital Space in Central Asia GEODE – Cyberstability Index Final Report – Paris Call Round Table “Digital Sovereignty: Discourses and Practices” Oct. 20, […]
Mapping Connectivity and the Digital Space in Central Asia - RIPE Auteur LIMONIER Kevin SALAMATIAN Loqman PETINIAUD Louis The RIPE has chosen to fund two projects during the year 2021 including that of our GEODE researchers Louis Petiniaud, PhD student; […]
GEODE – Cyberstability Index Final Report – Paris Call - Cyber Peace Institute GEODE Round Table “Digital Sovereignty: Discourses and Practices” Oct. 20, 2021 Loqman Salamatian, Frédérick Douzet, Kavé Salamatian & Kevin Limonier “The geopolitics behind the routes data travel: […]
Round Table “Digital Sovereignty: Discourses and Practices” Oct. 20, 2021 - Event Speakers LIMONIER Kevin DESFORGES Alix DOUZET Frédérick CATTARUZZA Amaël BÔMONT Clotilde Since the 1990s, the growth of data flows and the broader digital transformation were often described as important […]
Loqman Salamatian, Frédérick Douzet, Kavé Salamatian & Kevin Limonier “The geopolitics behind the routes data travel: a case study of Iran” - Journal of Cybersecurity Authors LIMONIER Kevin DOUZET Frédérick SALAMATIAN Loqman SALAMATIAN Kavé Read the article co-authored by Loqman Salamatian, Frédérick Douzet, Kavé Salamatian et Kevin Limonier “The geopolitics behind the routes […]
GEODE at the 34th International Geographical Congress - IGC 19 August 2021 Authors DESFORGES Alix SCIALOM Ilan GÉRARD Colin SALAMATIAN Loqman SALAMATIAN Kavé PETINIAUD Louis FRANÇOIS Margot ESCORNE Charlotte CATTARUZZA Amaël BÔMONT Clotilde ESTECAHANDY Hugo On Wednesday, August […]
Kevin Limonier & Marlène Laruelle “Beyond “hybrid warfare”: a digital exploration of Russia’s entrepreneurs of influence” - POST-SOVIET AFFAIRS Author LIMONIER Kevin Read the article co-authored by Marlène Laruelle and Kévin Limonier “Beyond “hybrid warfare”: a digital exploration of Russia’s entrepreneurs of influence” for Post-Soviet Affairs, Volume […]
GEODE researchers in the special issue “From cyberspace to the datasphere: strategic challenges of the digital revolution” - Journal of Cyber Policy Authors LIMONIER Kevin DOUZET Frédérick BERTRAN Marie Gabrielle GÉRY Aude ESTECAHANDY Hugo FRANÇOIS Camille Take a look at the special issue of the Journal of Cyber […]
Charlotte Escorne & Hugo Estecahandy at the IGU’s Commission on Geography of Governance’s Annual Conference - IGU Authors ESCORNE Charlotte ESTECAHANDY Hugo On June 24, 2021, Charlotte Escorne and Hugo Estecahandy presented their research at the Commission on Geography of Governance’s Annual Conference. Hugo Estecahandy spoke […]
Hugo Estecahandy & Kevin Limonier “Cryptocurrencies and processing power in Russia: a new strategic territory in eastern Siberia?” - Journal of Cyber Policy Authors ESTECAHANDY Hugo LIMONIER Kevin Discover the paper co-authored by Hugo Estecahandy and Kevin Limonier on “Cryptocurrencies and processing power in Russia: a new strategic territory […]
Kevin Limonier “Russia’s African Toolkit: Digital Influence and Entrepreneurs of Influence” – Orbis - ORBIS Author LIMONIER Kevin Discover the article written by Kevin Limonier and Marlene Laruelle on “Russia’s African Toolkit: Digital Influence and Entrepreneurs of Influence” Abstract : Today, Russian influence on […]
Ilan Scialom at the Gulf Information Security Expo & Conference – GISEC - GISEC 31 May 2021 Author SCIALOM Ilan On the occasion of the GISEC international cybersecurity exhibition, which took place in Dubai from June 31 to 2, 2021, Ilan Scialom presented […]

GEODE in the media

“Russian forces usurp Ukrainian internet infrastructure in Donbas” Louis Pétiniaud Media intervention - Financial Times Intervention PETINIAUD Louis Russian Forces usurp Ukrainian Internet Infrastructure in Donbas Anna Gross, London, MAY 5 2022 Indeed “Russian forces have taken over internet infrastructure in Ukraine and rerouted traffic […]
“How Russia took over the Internet in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine” Louis Pétiniaud & Kevin Limonier - Data Center Dynamics Interviewed LIMONIER Kevin PETINIAUD Louis How Russia took over the Internet in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine What happened in 2014, and what happens when RuNet comes to […]
Frédérick Douzet in “Hacking Gender Barriers: Europe’s Top Cyber Women” - Women4Cyber Foundation Participation DOUZET Frédérick Frédérick Douzet, Director of GEODE, tells her professional experience in the cyber domain this Women4Cyber book. The book “Hacking gender barriers: Europe’s top cyber women” […]
Podcast – Internet in Soviet land - France Culture Auteur LIMONIER Kevin Kevin Limonier, deputy director of GEODE, recounts the anarchic birth of the Russian internet in the episode “Internet in the land of the Soviets” of […]
” 3 questions to ” Hugo Estecahandy on the suggested ban on cryptocurrencies in Russia - Observatoire Franco-russe Auteur ESTECAHANDY Hugo As part of the Franco-Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Observatory, Hugo Estecahandy, PhD GEODE answered the following “three questions” related to crypto-currency mining in […]

GEODE's news

“Data Storage of Content Platforms: Impact on Internet Resilience in Pakistan” by Nowmay Opalinski. - Chinese Internet Research Conference (CIRC) Auteur Chinese Internet Research Conference 2023, with Nowmay Opalinski Séminaire – L’émergence d’un corridor numérique sino-pakistanais, avec Nowmay Opalinski The conference “Big Tech as an […]
Navigating AI Regulation: Insights from UN Initiatives, with Valère Ndior - Navigating AI Regulation: Insights from UN Initiatives, with Professor Valère Ndior.
The French Cyber Challenge Edition - The French Cyber Challenge Edition
The French Cyber Challenge Edition - The French Cyber Challenge Edition
Pr. Frédérick Douzet awarded €2.5 million ERC grant for her research on Geopolitics of Internet data routes - Scientific Excellence at the University of Paris 8.  Frédérick Douzet won a prestigious European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Fellowship and its €2.5 million grant. Frédérick Douzet, Professor at the French […]
The Russia Program, the new university-based analytical center created by the George Washington University in partnership with GEODE - We are very pleased to announce the launch of The Russia Program, a university-based analytical center created by the George Washington University in partnership with GEODE in order to provide […]
GEODE is hiring a post-doctoral fellow! - REPORT – The discreet action of Russian channels in Western conspiracy circles PPF22- Non-proliferation of malicious software and practices intended to cause harms Prepping for Long-Term Competition? U.S. Leadership in […]
REPORT – The discreet action of Russian channels in Western conspiracy circles - GEODE Report PPF22- Non-proliferation of malicious software and practices intended to cause harms Prepping for Long-Term Competition? U.S. Leadership in Cyberspace from Trump to Biden Sophie Hamel The war in […]
UGI 2022 – Communication from Margot François - UGI 2022 Communication FRANÇOIS Margot The Centennial Congress of the International Geographical Union (IGU) took place from July 18 to 22, 2022 in Paris. During this event Margot François gave […]
UGI 2022 – Communication from Alix Desforges - UGI 2022 Auteur DESFORGES Alix The Centennial Congress of the International Geographical Union (IGU) took place from July 18 to 22, 2022 in Paris. During this event Alix Desforges gave […]
UGI 2022 – Communication from Ilan Scialom - UGI 2022 Communication SCIALOM Ilan The Centennial Congress of the International Geographical Union (IGU) took place from July 18 to 22, 2022 in Paris. During this event Ilan Scialom gave […]
UGI 2022 – Communication from Louis Pétiniaud - UGI 2022 Communication PETINIAUD Louis The Centennial Congress of the International Geographical Union (IGU) took place from July 18 to 22, 2022 in Paris. During this event Louis Pétiniaud gave […]
UGI 2022 – Communication from Hugo Estecahandy - UGI Communication ESTECAHANDY Hugo The Centennial Congress of the International Geographical Union (IGU) took place from July 18 to 22, 2022 in Paris. During this event Hugo Estecahandy gave a […]
GEODE at La Fabrique Défense 2022 - La Fabrique Défense LIMONIER Kevin DOUZET Frédérick PETINIAUD Louis GÉRY Aude BÔMONT Clotilde The GEODE team was present at the second edition of La Fabrique Défense organised by the Ministry […]
Contributions – Franco-Russian Observatory 2021 - Franco-Russian CCI Auteur GÉRARD Colin BERTRAN Marie Gabrielle NOCETTI Julien ESTECAHANDY Hugo Several GEODE researchers contributed to the latest edition of the annual report of the Franco-Russian Observatory 2021 (Franco-Russian […]
So much for a ‘world without borders’? Countries are marking their territory in cyberspace - Atlantic Council Auteur DESFORGES Alix GÉRY Aude Alix Desforges and Aude Gery published an article on the website of the American think tank Atlantic Council, entitled “So much for a […]
Special issue on “Cyberstudies” - Études Internationales (Laval University) Auteur DOUZET Frédérick GÉRY Aude NOCETTI Julien Several GEODE researchers contributed to the journal Études internationales (scientific journal of the École supérieure d’études internationales de l’Université […]
Cyber Threats and Vulnerabilities : How to counter the proliferation of Malicious Cyber Tools - EU Non Prolifération and Disarmament Conference Auteur GÉRY Aude On december 6-7, 2021, took place The EU non proliferation and Disarmament Conference Aude Gery spoke of her work on cyber […]
From the geopolitical fragmentation to the digital fragmentation of Ukraine, 2013-2020 - Soutenance de thèse Auteur PETINIAUD Louis Congratulations to Louis Pétiniaud, officially a doctor in geopolitics since December 2, 2021. On this date, this GEODE and IFG researcher had the opportunity […]
National doctrines on cyber operations - CRDH Auteur GÉRY Aude Annual conference of the Paris Human Rights Center (CRDH) on “The Reception of International Humanitarian Law in Domestic Law”. Aude Gery, GEODE researcher, spoke on “National […]
Cloud defence: an operational challenge, a strategic imperative and a sovereignty issue - Études de l’IFRI – Focus stratégique Auteur BÔMONT Clotilde photo : Credits : SergeyBitos/ The French Ministry of Defence has decided to make cloud computing one of the pillars of […]
“The Shrinking of Cyberspace: a Blind Spot of Cyber Policy” - The Hague Program on Cyber Security Auteur DOUZET Frédérick The Hague Program on international Cyber Security organised their 4th annual conference, this time on cyber norms. From 9-11 November several […]
“Russian Soft Power in Europe” – Round Table - Centre d’excellence Jean Monnet Auteur GÉRARD Colin   The first session of the 2021/2022 Geopolitics Festival from 4 to 5 November 2021 organised by the Jean Monnet Franco-German Centre of […]
Contribute to IGU 2022 on geography of the datasphere - The Centennial Congress Mapping Connectivity and the Digital Space in Central Asia GEODE – Cyberstability Index Final Report – Paris Call Round Table “Digital Sovereignty: Discourses and Practices” Oct. 20, […]
Mapping Connectivity and the Digital Space in Central Asia - RIPE Auteur LIMONIER Kevin SALAMATIAN Loqman PETINIAUD Louis The RIPE has chosen to fund two projects during the year 2021 including that of our GEODE researchers Louis Petiniaud, PhD student; […]
GEODE – Cyberstability Index Final Report – Paris Call - Cyber Peace Institute GEODE Round Table “Digital Sovereignty: Discourses and Practices” Oct. 20, 2021 Loqman Salamatian, Frédérick Douzet, Kavé Salamatian & Kevin Limonier “The geopolitics behind the routes data travel: […]
Round Table “Digital Sovereignty: Discourses and Practices” Oct. 20, 2021 - Event Speakers LIMONIER Kevin DESFORGES Alix DOUZET Frédérick CATTARUZZA Amaël BÔMONT Clotilde Since the 1990s, the growth of data flows and the broader digital transformation were often described as important […]
Loqman Salamatian, Frédérick Douzet, Kavé Salamatian & Kevin Limonier “The geopolitics behind the routes data travel: a case study of Iran” - Journal of Cybersecurity Authors LIMONIER Kevin DOUZET Frédérick SALAMATIAN Loqman SALAMATIAN Kavé Read the article co-authored by Loqman Salamatian, Frédérick Douzet, Kavé Salamatian et Kevin Limonier “The geopolitics behind the routes […]
GEODE at the 34th International Geographical Congress - IGC 19 August 2021 Authors DESFORGES Alix SCIALOM Ilan GÉRARD Colin SALAMATIAN Loqman SALAMATIAN Kavé PETINIAUD Louis FRANÇOIS Margot ESCORNE Charlotte CATTARUZZA Amaël BÔMONT Clotilde ESTECAHANDY Hugo On Wednesday, August […]
Kevin Limonier & Marlène Laruelle “Beyond “hybrid warfare”: a digital exploration of Russia’s entrepreneurs of influence” - POST-SOVIET AFFAIRS Author LIMONIER Kevin Read the article co-authored by Marlène Laruelle and Kévin Limonier “Beyond “hybrid warfare”: a digital exploration of Russia’s entrepreneurs of influence” for Post-Soviet Affairs, Volume […]
GEODE researchers in the special issue “From cyberspace to the datasphere: strategic challenges of the digital revolution” - Journal of Cyber Policy Authors LIMONIER Kevin DOUZET Frédérick BERTRAN Marie Gabrielle GÉRY Aude ESTECAHANDY Hugo FRANÇOIS Camille Take a look at the special issue of the Journal of Cyber […]
Charlotte Escorne & Hugo Estecahandy at the IGU’s Commission on Geography of Governance’s Annual Conference - IGU Authors ESCORNE Charlotte ESTECAHANDY Hugo On June 24, 2021, Charlotte Escorne and Hugo Estecahandy presented their research at the Commission on Geography of Governance’s Annual Conference. Hugo Estecahandy spoke […]
Hugo Estecahandy & Kevin Limonier “Cryptocurrencies and processing power in Russia: a new strategic territory in eastern Siberia?” - Journal of Cyber Policy Authors ESTECAHANDY Hugo LIMONIER Kevin Discover the paper co-authored by Hugo Estecahandy and Kevin Limonier on “Cryptocurrencies and processing power in Russia: a new strategic territory […]
Ilan Scialom at the Gulf Information Security Expo & Conference – GISEC - GISEC 31 May 2021 Author SCIALOM Ilan On the occasion of the GISEC international cybersecurity exhibition, which took place in Dubai from June 31 to 2, 2021, Ilan Scialom presented […]