Professor at the University of Savoie. Specialist in Internet measurement and information theory in networks
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Professor at the French Institute of Geopolitics and Deputy Director of IFG Lab
Continue readingROBINE Jeremy
Lecturer and specialist in geopolitical conflicts linked to “racialized” minorities
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Lecturer in computer science, specialist in emancipatory computer security
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PhD in Geopolitics, specialist in the geopolitics of Internet infrastructures and data routing in territorial conflicts in the post-Soviet space
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PhD in Geography, specializing in geopolitics and cartography at the French Institute of Geopolitics. Northern Ireland specialist
Continue readingBERTRAN Marie Gabrielle
PhD candidate, software development specialist in Russia
Continue readingGRUMBACH Stéphane
Research Director at Inria, specialist in geopolitical issues of the digital transformation of human societies
Continue readingFRANÇOIS Margot
PhD candidate, specialist in Cuban digital space
Continue readingESCORNE Charlotte
PhD candidate, specialized in the deployment of 5G in Africa
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