Kevin Limonier “Russia’s African Toolkit: Digital Influence and Entrepreneurs of Influence” – Orbis

Kevin Limonier “Russia’s African Toolkit: Digital Influence and Entrepreneurs of Influence” – Orbis

18 June 2021


Discover the article written by Kevin Limonier and Marlene Laruelle on “Russia’s African Toolkit: Digital Influence and Entrepreneurs of Influence”

Abstract : Today, Russian influence on the African continent is still anecdotic compared to the People’s Republic of China, the United States, and former colonial powers, such as France. Yet, Moscow has committed to reasserting itself as an alternative pole of influence to China and Western countries in the eyes of some African elites. This article analyzes two key components of Russia’s African toolkit: its media outlets such as RT and Sputnik, which have managed to impose themselves on the African media landscape, and its entrepreneurs of influence, in charge of influence campaigns of different scopes. The article contends that Russia’s media success relies more on the appropriation of its informational content by African actors with their own political agendas than on Moscow convincing African audiences of the legitimacy of its foreign policy or political model, and that entrepreneurs of influence may play a useful, but limited, role in testing new parameters of influence.

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Ilan Scialom at the Gulf Information Security Expo & Conference – GISEC

Ilan Scialom at the Gulf Information Security Expo & Conference – GISEC

31 May 2021


On the occasion of the GISEC international cybersecurity exhibition, which took place in Dubai from June 31 to 2, 2021, Ilan Scialom presented the geopolitical and cyber impacts of the normalization agreements, known as the Abraham Accords, between Israel and the United Arab Emirates. 

After explaining that cooperation between the two states has existed for many years, he returned to the emergence of cyber and technological partnerships at various levels – state, private. This major trend may in the medium term announce a shift in geopolitical dynamics in the Middle East with major implications for other States in the region.

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PhD in Geopolitics, specialist in the geopolitics of Internet infrastructures and data routing in territorial conflicts in the post-Soviet space

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PhD in Geography, specializing in geopolitics and cartography at the French Institute of Geopolitics. Northern Ireland specialist

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