UGI 2022 – Communication from Ilan Scialom

UGI 2022 – Communication from Ilan Scialom

UGI 2022
22 August 2022


The Centennial Congress of the International Geographical Union (IGU) took place from July 18 to 22, 2022 in Paris.

During this event Ilan Scialom gave a communication : 

Session Chaired by Amael Cattaruzza and Finn Dammann “Political Geographies of Data” – I.Scialom  An intertwined practice of digital security in a troubled geopolitical region? The example of Israel and UAE.

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UGI 2022 – Communication from Louis Pétiniaud

UGI 2022 – Communication from Louis Pétiniaud

UGI 2022
22 August 2022


The Centennial Congress of the International Geographical Union (IGU) took place from July 18 to 22, 2022 in Paris.

During this event Louis Pétiniaud gave a communication : 

Session “Cartography of the Datasphere” – Mapping the geography of data, a spatio-temporal approach to the Central Asian Internet

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UGI 2022 – Communication from Hugo Estecahandy

UGI 2022 – Communication from Hugo Estecahandy

22 August 2022


The Centennial Congress of the International Geographical Union (IGU) took place from July 18 to 22, 2022 in Paris.

During this event Hugo Estecahandy gave a communication : 

Session “Cartography of the Datasphere” – H.Estecahandy “From a digital infrastructure to a geopolitical object: which geographies for Bitcoin?”

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GEODE at La Fabrique Défense 2022

GEODE at La Fabrique Défense 2022

La Fabrique Défense
3 February 2022

The GEODE team was present at the second edition of La Fabrique Défense organised by the Ministry of Defence at the Grande Halle de la Villette.

Our researchers participated and organised the round table “Cyber defence in the European Union“, moderated by Frédérick Douzet, GEODE director, with the participation of Heli Tiirmaa-Klaar, director of the Digital Society Institute and Aude Géry, GEODE researcher.

Thanks to the tools developed in collaboration with Cassini, we were able to present the experience of walking through a graph of data from social networks, in virtual reality.

This event was an opportunity to reaffirm the support of GEODE and the French Institute of Geopolitics (IFG) for the Cadettes de la Cyber program led by the Pôle d’Excellence Cyber since November 2021.

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Contributions – Franco-Russian Observatory 2021

Contributions – Franco-Russian Observatory 2021

Franco-Russian CCI
3 February 2022


Several GEODE researchers contributed to the latest edition of the annual report of the Franco-Russian Observatory 2021 (Franco-Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry): 

Hugo Estecahandy, on The cryptocurrency mining industries in Russia 

Julien Nocetti, associate researcher at the Geode centre, as well as Marie-Gabrielle Bertran and Colin Gérards, PhD students, also contributed to this book.

For this 2021 edition, 69 French and Russian experts participated in this project.

Find the latest articles published regularly here 

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So much for a ‘world without borders’? Countries are marking their territory in cyberspace

So much for a ‘world without borders’? Countries are marking their territory in cyberspace

Atlantic Council
3 February 2022


Alix Desforges and Aude Gery published an article on the website of the American think tank Atlantic Council, entitled “So much for a ‘world without borders’? Countries are marking their territory in cyberspace”.
You can find it here 

It is based on their joint article in French “Cyberespace: d’un village global à un espace aux multiples frontières” published in the May-June 2021 issue of the journal Diplomatie. Find it here 

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Special issue on “Cyberstudies”

Special issue on “Cyberstudies”

Études Internationales (Laval University)
3 February 2022


Several GEODE researchers contributed to the journal Études internationales (scientific journal of the École supérieure d’études internationales de l’Université Laval) for a special issue on “Cyberstudies” edited by Sébastien-Yves Laurent.

Frederick douzet, Aude Géry and François Delerue with “International law and norms for cyberspace: ambiguities and geopolitical instrumentalisation”

Julien Nocetti with “An arranged “cyber-marriage”? Realities and implications of cyber cooperation between Russia and China“.

More information on this special issue here 


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Cyber Threats and Vulnerabilities : How to counter the proliferation of Malicious Cyber Tools

Cyber Threats and Vulnerabilities : How to counter the proliferation of Malicious Cyber Tools

EU Non Prolifération and Disarmament Conference
3 February 2022


On december 6-7, 2021, took place The EU non proliferation and Disarmament Conference

Aude Gery spoke of her work on cyber arms and proliferation during the plenary session “Cyber Threats and Vulnerabilities : How to counter the proliferation of Malicious Cyber Tools” alongside Nikolas Schoernig (Peace Research Institute Frankfurt); Manon Leblanc (head of the Cyber Policy Sector, European External Action Service) and Ardi Sutedjak (Chairman and founder, Indonesia Cyber Security Forum).

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From the geopolitical fragmentation to the digital fragmentation of Ukraine, 2013-2020

From the geopolitical fragmentation to the digital fragmentation of Ukraine, 2013-2020

Soutenance de thèse
3 February 2022


Congratulations to Louis Pétiniaud, officially a doctor in geopolitics since December 2, 2021. On this date, this GEODE and IFG researcher had the opportunity to defend his excellent thesis entitled “From the geopolitical fragmentation to the digital fragmentation of Ukraine, 2013-2020”.

His jury was composed of : 

  • FILLER André, Director of the thesis, Professor of Universities, University of Paris 8
  • DOUZET Frédérick, thesis co-director, University Professor, University of Paris 8
  • RADVANYI Jean, University Professor Emeritus, INALCO (rapporteur)
  • AREL Dominique, University Professor, Ottawa (rapporteur)
  • MEDINA Lucile, Senior Lecturer HDR, University of Montpellier
  • SALAMATIAN Kavé, University Professor, University of Savoie

Louis Pétiniaud is now a post-doctoral fellow at the GEODE laboratory.

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