Cyber Threats and Vulnerabilities : How to counter the proliferation of Malicious Cyber Tools

Cyber Threats and Vulnerabilities : How to counter the proliferation of Malicious Cyber Tools

EU Non Prolifération and Disarmament Conference
3 February 2022


On december 6-7, 2021, took place The EU non proliferation and Disarmament Conference

Aude Gery spoke of her work on cyber arms and proliferation during the plenary session “Cyber Threats and Vulnerabilities : How to counter the proliferation of Malicious Cyber Tools” alongside Nikolas Schoernig (Peace Research Institute Frankfurt); Manon Leblanc (head of the Cyber Policy Sector, European External Action Service) and Ardi Sutedjak (Chairman and founder, Indonesia Cyber Security Forum).

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From the geopolitical fragmentation to the digital fragmentation of Ukraine, 2013-2020

From the geopolitical fragmentation to the digital fragmentation of Ukraine, 2013-2020

Soutenance de thèse
3 February 2022


Congratulations to Louis Pétiniaud, officially a doctor in geopolitics since December 2, 2021. On this date, this GEODE and IFG researcher had the opportunity to defend his excellent thesis entitled “From the geopolitical fragmentation to the digital fragmentation of Ukraine, 2013-2020”.

His jury was composed of : 

  • FILLER André, Director of the thesis, Professor of Universities, University of Paris 8
  • DOUZET Frédérick, thesis co-director, University Professor, University of Paris 8
  • RADVANYI Jean, University Professor Emeritus, INALCO (rapporteur)
  • AREL Dominique, University Professor, Ottawa (rapporteur)
  • MEDINA Lucile, Senior Lecturer HDR, University of Montpellier
  • SALAMATIAN Kavé, University Professor, University of Savoie

Louis Pétiniaud is now a post-doctoral fellow at the GEODE laboratory.

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Cloud defence: an operational challenge, a strategic imperative and a sovereignty issue

Cloud defence: an operational challenge, a strategic imperative and a sovereignty issue

Études de l'IFRI - Focus stratégique
3 February 2022


photo : Credits : SergeyBitos/

The French Ministry of Defence has decided to make cloud computing one of the pillars of its digital transformation.

However, resorting to the cloud implies outsourcing part of the management of IT resources, which poses many challenges of a technical and cultural nature, but also political and industrial. In addition to the imperative of technological control, there are major strategic issues relating to autonomy and influence. Cloud Defence therefore depends as much on the ability of the armed forces to adapt the technology to their security and operational requirements, as on the industrial partnerships set up by the Ministry, and on national policies on the subject.

Find the whole publication by Clotilde Bomont here (in French).

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“Where do digital traces lead us? Practices and contributions of OSINT to social sciences”

“Where do digital traces lead us? Practices and contributions of OSINT to social sciences”

GEODE and IRSEM Seminar
3 February 2022


This seminar on the theme of OSINT was held on Monday 29 November at the Condorcet Campus in Aubervilliers. It gathered 176 people during the day, of which more than 50% were young people under 25 years old, especially students.

Organised by the GEODE (Geopolitics of the Datasphere) research centre and the Strategic Research Institute of the Military School (IRSEM) in partnership with Paris 8 University, la Fabrique Défense (Ministry of Defence) and the French Institute of Geopolitics (IFG), it was an opportunity to discuss the use of OSINT in particular in the context of geopolitical research and analysis, but also in other areas such as defence, cybersecurity, IT professions and journalism.

The day began with introductory remarks by the organisers, Kevin Limonier, deputy director of GEODE, and Paul Charon, director of the “Intelligence, anticipation and hybrid threats” domain at IRSEM. This was followed by the presentation of Viginum (Vigilance and Protection against Foreign Digital Interference), a new public agency for the fight against information manipulation attached to the Prime Minister’s office and placed under the General Secretariat for Defence and National Security (SGDSN).

The first round table “OSINT as an operational practice” was then opened with Roman Adamczyk (EU Disinfo Lab), Hugo Benoist (OSINT-FR), Mathieu Gaucheler (Maltego), Romain Mielcarek (Journalist) and Clément Audebert (Preligens). They were invited to present their structure and their respective work and to answer questions from the audience. We were able to learn, for example, about the difficulties encountered during the investigations carried out by the EU desinfo Lab, a Brussels-based NGO. Journalist Romain Mielcarek pointed out that OSINT is a term from the world of intelligence and that each discipline using this method of investigation must define its own ethical framework. OSINT is only one of several research methods that should not exclude the physical field.

In the afternoon, the second round table “Methodology and OSINT: a tool for research” gave the floor to four researchers on their experience with this method of collecting information.
Léa Ronzaud (Graphika) told us about the tools used for her team’s unsuccessful investigation to find the person responsible for distributing toilet paper bearing the image of Joe Biden in Times Square.
Hugo Estecahandy (GEODE) gave us an introduction to the functioning of bitcoin based on information found on the Égalité et Réconciliation website.
Marie-Gabrielle Bertran (GEODE) gave two examples of OSINT on the Russian internet, the first relatively open and then on grey data (leaks) based on two cases: the theft of data from SyTech, a subcontractor of several Russian official bodies, and the attack on the Sands group in Las Vegas by a group of Iranian hacktivists
– Finally, Ksenia Ermoshina (CNRS) presented a video of her research on the consequences of the annexation of Crimea for the region’s internet infrastructure.

The session “Epistemology of OSINT: contributions and limits for the social sciences” closed the day. It provided some perspective on these investigations in the “digital field”, with reflections on the value of the data collected through these methods, on ethics and on the limits of their use in the framework of a research project. Hervé Letoqueux, president of Open Facto, reminded us what “responsible OSINT” is, namely information retrieved “without guile or stratagem”. The other speakers, Rayya Roumanos (IJBA), Kevin Limonier (GEODE), Paul Charon (IRSEM) and Fabien Laurençon (IRSEM), gave their views on the ethics of OSINT and on the need to supervise and organise this new field of research.

The GEODE team is very pleased to have participated in the organisation and content of this conference, which was rich in exchanges and feedback.

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Geode’s participation in ECW & support to Les Cadettes de la Cyber

Geode’s participation in ECW & support to Les Cadettes de la Cyber

European Cyber Week
3 February 2022


Support of GEODE and IFG to Les Cadettes de la Cyber initiative.

Alix Desforges signed the launch of the Cadettes de la Cyber programme, organised by the Pôle Excellence Cyber (PEC), whose objective is to support young women in their higher education studies thanks to the support of professional mentors.             For more information. 

GEODE researchers participated in the European Cyber Week at the Couvant des jacobins in Rennes:

– Intervention of Kavé Salamatian, GEODE researcher and director of the cyber security chair of the University of Tallin, on European research in maritime cyber security alongside the chair of cyber defence of naval systems of the Ecole Navale 

– Julien Nocetti’s intervention during a round table on “The new challenges of cybersecurity related to people, goods and uses”.

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Building a Cyber Stability Index & Securing the ICT Supply Chain

Building a Cyber Stability Index & Securing the ICT Supply Chain

Paris Peace Forum 2021
3 February 2022


GEODE researchers participated in the Paris Peace Forum 2021 by taking part in two working groups:

Working Group 5 on building a cyberstability Index, with Geode researchers Alix Desforges and Julien Nocette, accompanied by the Hague Center for Strategic Studies (HCSS) and the CyberPeace Institute. Find the report here.

Working group 6 on securing ICT value chains, with Aude Géry, Geode researcher, accompanied by Kasperky Government Affairs and Cigref. Find the report here.

Find out more informations on the Paris Peace Forum activities here.

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“The Shrinking of Cyberspace: a Blind Spot of Cyber Policy”

“The Shrinking of Cyberspace: a Blind Spot of Cyber Policy”

The Hague Program on Cyber Security
3 February 2022


The Hague Program on international Cyber Security organised their 4th annual conference, this time on cyber norms.

From 9-11 November several keynotes and panel presentations on conflict, crises and the politics of cyberspace took place.

Frédérick Douzet, Geode director, gave the first keynote talk on “The Shrinking of Cyberspace: a Blind Spot of Cyber Policy”.

You can watch this keynote here. 

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“Russian Soft Power in Europe” – Round Table

“Russian Soft Power in Europe” – Round Table

Centre d'excellence Jean Monnet
3 February 2022



The first session of the 2021/2022 Geopolitics Festival from 4 to 5 November 2021 organised by the Jean Monnet Franco-German Centre of Excellence of Science Po Strasbourg included two round tables on the following theme: “What future for the European Union-Russia relationship?”

On this occasion, Colin GERARD, Geode researcher, spoke on the round table “Russian soft power in Europe” alongside Maxime AUDINET (Institute for Strategic Research of the Military School).

The second round table entitled “Russia – EU in their near abroad” brought together Laure DELCOUR (Sorbonne Nouvelle University, College of Europe Bruges campus) and Jean-Christophe ROMER (Sciences Po Strasbourg).

Find more information on this series of conferences here.

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Contribute to IGU 2022 on geography of the datasphere

Contribute to IGU 2022 on geography of the datasphere

The Centennial Congress

13 January 2022
You can now contribute until 18th of January to the panels proposed by GEODE researchers at the International Geographical Union Congress 2022 to be held in Paris from 18 to 22 July.

 Panel 1: Cartography of the datasphere
 Read the description of the session here.

 Panel 2: Political geographies of data 
 Read the description of the session here.

                             Submit your proposal on the IGU website                                                                (IGU Commission Session, category Political Geography)

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