GEODE – Cyberstability Index Final Report – Paris Call
Cyber Peace Institute
10 November 2021

Building a Cyberstability Index
The Cyber Peace Institute has published this report elaborated in partnership with GEODE and The Hague Center for Strategic Studies as part of Working Group 5 of the Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace.
Working Group 5’s report presents a methodology to understand how the implementation of normative, legal, operational and technical measures, or the lack thereof, contribute to stability in cyberspace and ultimately to cyberpeace. It also outlines various key findings and challenges that emerged throughout the process, such as the lack of accessible data relating to cyberstability.
The Paris Call is a multistakeholder initiative that was launched by the French government at the Paris Peace Forum in November 2018. The CyberPeace Institute co-leads Working Group 5 on Building a Cyberstability Index with colleagues from GEODE (Géopolitique de la Datasphère) and the Hague Centre for Strategic Studies (HCSS).