UGI 2022 – Communications from Charlotte Escorne

UGI 2022 – Communications from Charlotte Escorne

UGI 2022
22 August 2022


The Centennial Congress of the International Geographical Union (IGU) took place from July 18 to 22, 2022 in Paris.

During this event Charlotte Escorne gave two communications: 

  • Session “african studies”, panel “challenges and trajectories of development in Africa”: Charlotte ESCORNE – Digital technology as a driver of new development dynamics in West Africa: case study of Senegal

  • Session “political geography”, panel political geographies of data : Charlotte ESCORNE – Geography of Frenchspeaking West African cyberspace: unequal, complementary and competitive spaces
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“Russian forces usurp Ukrainian internet infrastructure in Donbas” Louis Pétiniaud Media intervention

“Russian forces usurp Ukrainian internet infrastructure in Donbas” Louis Pétiniaud Media intervention

Financial Times
9 May 2022


Indeed “Russian forces have taken over internet infrastructure in Ukraine and rerouted traffic to Russia-controlled operators, making Ukrainians’ data vulnerable to interception and censorship by the Kremlin”.
Find the analysis of our researcher Louis Pétiniaud, specialist of the cyberspace and Ukrainian territories in this Financial Times article
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“How Russia took over the Internet in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine” Louis Pétiniaud & Kevin Limonier

“How Russia took over the Internet in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine” Louis Pétiniaud & Kevin Limonier

Data Center Dynamics
8 March 2022


How Russia took over the Internet in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine

What happened in 2014, and what happens when RuNet comes to Ukraine

Find the analyses of our researchers Kevin Limonier and Louis Pétiniaud, specialists of the cyberspace and the Russian and Ukrainian territories. 
Abstract :
“The whole post-Soviet world is probably the most complex topology on Earth,” University of Paris-8 associate professor Kevin Limonier told DCD. “This is because the network developed in kind of an anarchic way in the ‘90s, with no state authority, no planification of any kind. Even in the US, the planification was stronger than it was in Ukraine and in Russia.
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Frédérick Douzet in “Hacking Gender Barriers: Europe’s Top Cyber Women”

Frédérick Douzet in “Hacking Gender Barriers: Europe’s Top Cyber Women”

Women4Cyber Foundation
16 February 2022


Frédérick Douzet, Director of GEODE, tells her professional experience in the cyber domain this Women4Cyber book.

The book “Hacking gender barriers: Europe’s top cyber women” highlights over 100 women working in the field of cybersecurity in Europe. Its goal is to shed light on the different professional roles in cybersecurity and inspire young women by showcasing female role models active in the cybersecurity field.

The Women4Cyber Foundation is a non-profit organisation founded in 2019 aimed at promoting, encouraging, and supporting the participation of womenin the field of cybersecurity. Its mission is to develop and grow a cybersecuritycommunity through networking, awareness, education, and training.

To do that,the Foundation works to help raise the voices of women through social media and events, enhance female participation in cyber education, promote Role Models and tailored training programmes for entry, up-skilling or re-skilling incybersecurity

You can learn more about the foundation & get your copy here 


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GEODE at La Fabrique Défense 2022

GEODE at La Fabrique Défense 2022

La Fabrique Défense
3 February 2022

The GEODE team was present at the second edition of La Fabrique Défense organised by the Ministry of Defence at the Grande Halle de la Villette.

Our researchers participated and organised the round table “Cyber defence in the European Union“, moderated by Frédérick Douzet, GEODE director, with the participation of Heli Tiirmaa-Klaar, director of the Digital Society Institute and Aude Géry, GEODE researcher.

Thanks to the tools developed in collaboration with Cassini, we were able to present the experience of walking through a graph of data from social networks, in virtual reality.

This event was an opportunity to reaffirm the support of GEODE and the French Institute of Geopolitics (IFG) for the Cadettes de la Cyber program led by the Pôle d’Excellence Cyber since November 2021.

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Podcast – Internet in Soviet land

Podcast – Internet in Soviet land

France Culture
3 February 2022


Kevin Limonier, deputy director of GEODE, recounts the anarchic birth of the Russian internet in the episode “Internet in the land of the Soviets” of the France Culture programme “Une histoire de… l’Internet”. Listen here

By telling the story of Anatole Klyosov and Andrei Soldatov, two Soviet researchers who had privileged access to the Internet, it is possible to understand why Russia today has had so much difficulty in regaining control over the network.

In the West, cybernetics is in vogue, with a wild quest for freedom, the time is ripe for the liberation of information. In the USSR, on the other hand, the individual and the circulation of information were feared. The Party’s truth was ONE, and the centralisation of information was EVERYWHERE. There was no need, therefore, to allow each individual to circulate his or her messages. Photocopiers, for example, were suspect; special accreditation was required to access them. In this context, the emergence of computers within the Communist Party poses many dilemmas.

The Internet arrived in the land of the Soviets somewhat by chance. In the 1980s, researchers at major universities were increasingly exchanging information remotely. Electronic mail was democratised in the wake of ARPANET, and France had just switched to Minitel. And teleconferences are beginning to develop, in other words, a kind of international conference, but at a distance.

In 1982, the Soviet Union was far removed from the excitement of the first teleconferences. It was the end of the Brezhnev era, the army was bogged down in Afghanistan, and the Nomenklatura was hunting down dissidents. However, one fine spring day, the Academy of Sciences receives an invitation and decides to send a fellow researcher to the Net: Anatoly Klyosov.

Russia, a unique example in the world of cybernetics

A few years after this pioneering experience, it was a completely different person who precipitated the birth, strictly speaking, of the Soviet Internet: Andrei Soldatov. At the time, he was working at the Nuclear Research Centre and asked for an automatic international telephone line. He then created the first Soviet Internet Service Provider (ISP), in a completely illegal manner, and sold access to the global Internet via his machine, which he ironically named the “window on Europe” (the name given to St Petersburg by Peter the Great).

This early anarchy of RuNet, the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet, has not been without consequences for the subsequent history of networking in Russia and even today has an impact on the online services used by Russian Internet users.

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” 3 questions to ” Hugo Estecahandy on the suggested ban on cryptocurrencies in Russia

” 3 questions to ” Hugo Estecahandy on the suggested ban on cryptocurrencies in Russia

Observatoire Franco-russe
3 February 2022


As part of the Franco-Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Observatory, Hugo Estecahandy, PhD GEODE answered the following “three questions” related to crypto-currency mining in Russia:

  1. Russian authorities are considering regulating or even banning crypto-currencies. Concretely, what practices are targeted? 
  2. Who is at the helm of this issue? What are the stakes for the Russian authorities? 
  3. How can these regulations impact the “mining” sector in Russia and the physical infrastructure set up for this purpose, particularly in Siberia?

See also Hugo Estecahandy’s article “Cryptocurrency mining industries in Russia” published in the Annual Report of the Franco-Russian Observatory “Russia 2021”.

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Contributions – Franco-Russian Observatory 2021

Contributions – Franco-Russian Observatory 2021

Franco-Russian CCI
3 February 2022


Several GEODE researchers contributed to the latest edition of the annual report of the Franco-Russian Observatory 2021 (Franco-Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry): 

Hugo Estecahandy, on The cryptocurrency mining industries in Russia 

Julien Nocetti, associate researcher at the Geode centre, as well as Marie-Gabrielle Bertran and Colin Gérards, PhD students, also contributed to this book.

For this 2021 edition, 69 French and Russian experts participated in this project.

Find the latest articles published regularly here 

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So much for a ‘world without borders’? Countries are marking their territory in cyberspace

So much for a ‘world without borders’? Countries are marking their territory in cyberspace

Atlantic Council
3 February 2022


Alix Desforges and Aude Gery published an article on the website of the American think tank Atlantic Council, entitled “So much for a ‘world without borders’? Countries are marking their territory in cyberspace”.
You can find it here 

It is based on their joint article in French “Cyberespace: d’un village global à un espace aux multiples frontières” published in the May-June 2021 issue of the journal Diplomatie. Find it here 

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Special issue on “Cyberstudies”

Special issue on “Cyberstudies”

Études Internationales (Laval University)
3 February 2022


Several GEODE researchers contributed to the journal Études internationales (scientific journal of the École supérieure d’études internationales de l’Université Laval) for a special issue on “Cyberstudies” edited by Sébastien-Yves Laurent.

Frederick douzet, Aude Géry and François Delerue with “International law and norms for cyberspace: ambiguities and geopolitical instrumentalisation”

Julien Nocetti with “An arranged “cyber-marriage”? Realities and implications of cyber cooperation between Russia and China“.

More information on this special issue here 


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