Kevin Limonier

Deputy Director of GEODE, associate professor, specialist in Russian-speaking cyberspace

Kevin Limonier is an associate professor in Slavic studies at the French Institute of Geopolitics (Paris 8 University). He is also deputy director of the GEODE center and scientific director of the observatory of the Russian-speaking infosphere, a research structure dedicated to the analysis of post-Soviet digital spaces. He is a lecturer in several courses on cybernetic issues (Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan … etc.) and was for several years a lecturer at the Russian State University of Humanities (RGGU, Moscow). His research focuses on the development of new methods of mapping cyberspace, especially in the post-Soviet context. He is a specialist of the Russian-speaking Internet ( : geopolitics of Russian-speaking cyberspace, ed. L’Inventaire, coll. ” les carnets de l’Observatoire “, Paris, 2018) and of territorial innovation policies in the USSR and in contemporary Russia (L’Archipel des savants : histoire des anciennes villes d’élite du complexe scientifique soviétique, ed. B2, Paris, 2017).

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Academic Publications

Limonier, Kevin. 2022. “The War in Ukraine, Open Source Investigation and the Potential for ‘Digital Fieldwork’ in Geopolitics.” Political Geography, August, 102733.
Glasze, Georg, Amaël Cattaruzza, Frédérick Douzet, Finn Dammann, Marie-Gabrielle Bertran, Clotilde Bômont, Matthias Braun, et al. 2022. “Contested Spatialities of Digital Sovereignty.” Geopolitics, April, 1–40.
Limonier, Kevin. 2022. “The War in Ukraine, Open Source Investigation and the Potential for ‘Digital Fieldwork’ in Geopolitics.” Political Geography 102733.
Laruelle, Marlene, and Kevin Limonier. 2021. “Beyond ‘Hybrid Warfare’: A Digital Exploration of Russia’s Entrepreneurs of Influence.” Post-Soviet Affairs 0 (0): 1–18.
Estecahandy, Hugo, and Kevin Limonier. 2021. “Cryptocurrencies and Processing Power in Russia: A New Strategic Territory in Eastern Siberia?” Journal of Cyber Policy 0 (0): 1–13.
Limonier, Kevin, and Marlene Laruelle. 2021. “Russia’s African Toolkit: Digital Influence and Entrepreneurs of Influence.” Orbis, June.
Limonier, Kevin, Frédérick Douzet, Louis Pétiniaud, Loqman Salamatian, and Kave Salamatian. 2021. “Mapping the Routes of the Internet for Geopolitics: The Case of Eastern Ukraine.” First Monday, April.
Limonier, Kevin, Frédérick Douzet, Louis Pétiniaud, Loqman Salamatian, and Kave Salamatian. 2021. “Mapping the Routes of the Internet for Geopolitics: The Case of Eastern Ukraine.” First Monday, April.
Limonier, Kevin, Frédérick Douzet, Louis Pétiniaud, Loqman Salamatian, and Kave Salamatian. 2021. “Mapping the Routes of the Internet for Geopolitics: The Case of Eastern Ukraine.” First Monday 26 (5).
Limonier, Kevin, Frédérick Douzet, Louis Pétiniaud, Loqman Salamatian, and Kave Salamatian. 2021. “Mapping the Routes of the Internet for Geopolitics: The Case of Eastern Ukraine.” First Monday, April.
Limonier, Kevin. 2021. “Les Couches Basses Du Cyberespace : Contrôle Des Flux et Cartographie d’Internet.” In Les Guerres de l’information à l’ère Du Numérique, by Maud Quessard and Céline Marangé, puf. Paris.
Limonier, Kevin, Amaël Cattaruzza, and Sophie Hou. 2020. “« Pensées Emergentes » : Vivacité et diversité des approches spatiales du politique.” L’Espace Politique. Revue en ligne de géographie politique et de géopolitique, no. 40 (October).
Bertran, Marie-Gabrielle, and Kevin Limonier. 2019. “Russie : Vers Un Internet Souverain ?” Diplomatie Magazine n° 101 (November): 33–37.
Cattaruzza, Amaël, and Kevin Limonier. 2019. Introduction à la géopolitique: cours, études de cas, entraînements, méthodes commentées. Portail. Malakoff: Armand Colin.
Pétiniaud, Louis, and Kevin Limonier. 2018. “Mapping Cyberspace: The Example of Russian Informational Actions in France.” In DRUMS: Distortions, Rumours, Untruths, Misinformation and Smears, edited by Norman Vasu, Benjamin Ang, and Shashi Jayakumar, 49–56. WORLD SCIENTIFIC.
Cattaruzza, Amaël, and Kevin Limonier. n.d. Introduction à la géopolitique. Portail. Accessed January 22, 2021.