From the geopolitical fragmentation to the digital fragmentation of Ukraine, 2013-2020
Soutenance de thèse
3 February 2022

Congratulations to Louis Pétiniaud, officially a doctor in geopolitics since December 2, 2021. On this date, this GEODE and IFG researcher had the opportunity to defend his excellent thesis entitled “From the geopolitical fragmentation to the digital fragmentation of Ukraine, 2013-2020”.
His jury was composed of :
- FILLER André, Director of the thesis, Professor of Universities, University of Paris 8
- DOUZET Frédérick, thesis co-director, University Professor, University of Paris 8
- RADVANYI Jean, University Professor Emeritus, INALCO (rapporteur)
- AREL Dominique, University Professor, Ottawa (rapporteur)
- MEDINA Lucile, Senior Lecturer HDR, University of Montpellier
- SALAMATIAN Kavé, University Professor, University of Savoie
Louis Pétiniaud is now a post-doctoral fellow at the GEODE laboratory.
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